
Affichage des articles du juin, 2017

5 Techniques To Build The Upper Chest

Are you ready to impress people at the gym or at the beach, with a bigger, more muscular Upper chest? By adding more intensity to your exercise regimen, eating plenty of calories to fuel your workouts, and doing exercises that target your pecs, you can build muscle there within a matter of weeks. Whether you seek to become a professional bodybuilder or simply improve your physique, a big, muscular Upper chest is an impressive accomplishment. Start With A Multijoint Upper-Chest Movement The simplest and most obvious solution to emphasize your upper pecs is to target them first on chest day. So, instead of starting your workout on the flat bench, start with the incline bench press. By flipping exercises, you’ll find that you’re significantly stronger and can lift a little more—or do a few more reps with a given weight—than you could when you did an upper-chest move later in your workout. Forcing your upper pec fibers to lift more than they’re accustomed to will set you on the road

Massive Traps – 6 Exercises Must Do

Tom Hardy is actually a great example of how having huge traps can make you look extremely muscular, even if your other muscle groups aren’t that big. After all when you’re looking at someone, you’re mainly looking at their face. And with your traps only located a few inches away, it’s a great opportunity to show off your muscularity. Also not many weight lifters, or even PRO bodybuilders, have GREAT traps (with 90% of them always training chest and arms). So if you do develop monster traps, you’ll really stand out from the crowd. Traps are actually quite an intimidating muscle group too, as they resemble the same shape of a cobra when it spreads its ‘hood’ – done as a defence mechanism. This can be translated as a polite “Don’t f*ck with me”. Big traps will make you look ready to pounce on any prey that gets in your way. Deadlift During a deadlift, the hips and legs work to lift the bar from the ground. The trapezius muscles (along with other muscles in the back) contract isometric

The Benefits Of Bodybuilding

A person’s physical appearance is one of the greatest priorities in 21st century society, and to maintain a pleasing aesthetic can be very stressful. In order to do this some people will complete rigorous exercise routines combined with healthy, balanced nutritional lifestyles; however, there are those who choose to take supplements instead of changing their lifestyles entirely.  The use of body building supplements is controversial with the supplement bringing many disadvantages, but these pills are also known to present with various advantages as well.  This article will provide information on the benefits of bodybuilding. 1. Better looking body. That’s the most obvious reason. By regular weight training we can build bigger muscles, burn fat and develop nicer body. When we look better, we feel better. We can impress others with our musculature or attract opposite sex. 2. Strength. Our everyday life is much easier when we are stronger. We are not getting as tired at work and we can

Top 11 Muscle Building Tips For Vegetarian

I love how often people are intrigued by the fact that I’m pretty jacked and all VEGAN!  Meat eaters are always asking me what the hell do I eat and other vegans always want to know how I’m able to get so shredded and lean on a completely plant-based diet. Well, here’s a little “top 11 list” for anyone curious about my vegan bodybuilding “ways.”  Compiled below are my top 10 best tips for vegan athletes on building muscle and leaning down without consuming dead animals.  Here goes! 1. Get Sufficient Calories The very first thing you must do as a vegetarian bodybuilder is make sure that you get enough calories. If you don’t take in enough calories on a regular basis your body is much more likely to turn to incoming protein for fuel and you very well may see a deficit forming. 2. Consume Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables Second, be sure that you are taking in plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are going to supply you with a high quality source of nutrients as well as all the antioxidan

Supplements For Strength Training Pre Workout

When most people think of pre-workout nutrition they think of fluorescent chemicals that get you charging. But a good quality pre-workout is not about that. If you are eating a nutrient dense diet of wholefoods you shouldn’t need to rely on stimulants to get you psyched up pre-workout. Instead your Pre-workout should be determined by your workout goals. One basic principle that applies to all trainers is to always eat before working out, otherwise the body is likely to hack into your hard earned muscle stores for emergency energy. Eating some type of protein before training will benefit all trainers because we want to have the bloodstream loaded with amino acids when we get to the gym. It is most optimal to have this protein based meal at least an hour before your workout so that your body has time to properly digest the food and you can direct maximum blood-flow to your muscles where you need it, you don’t want blood being diverted to the stomach for digestion during a workout. It

Build Boulder Shoulders With These 4 Supersets

Shoulder supersets are a highly underutilised, but effective way of overloading your muscles that can lead to a huge boost in muscle growth. Many struggle to pack on shoulder mass, since they do not work them with the volume that they require. Supersets are simply sets which include 2 exercises performed on after the other. For example: you would perform X reps of exercise 1 and then Y reps of exercise too immediately after. This workout is specifically designed for your shoulders, using supersets to help you really blow them up, giving you those boulder shoulders you’ve visualised having! SUPERSET #1   Dumbbell Lateral As you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take a dumbbell in each hand and slightly bend the elbows as the weights hang by your sides, palms facing one another. Bend your upper body forward and allow your hips and knees to bend slightly as well. Raise your arms out to the sides until they are parallel to the ground, maintaining the torso straight and stabile

5 Proven Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, but females also have small amounts of it. It is a steroid hormone, produced in men’s testicles and women’s ovaries (1). The adrenal glands also produce small amounts. During puberty in boys, testosterone is one of the main drivers of physical changes like increased muscle, deeper voice and hair growth. However, having optimal levels is also important throughout adulthood and even during old age. In adults, healthy levels are important for general health, disease risk, body composition, sexual function and just about everything else . Additionally, increasing your testosterone levels can cause rapid gains in muscle mass and vitality in only a matter of weeks . Interestingly, it also plays an important role in female health and sexual well-being . The research is pretty conclusive: both genders should ensure they have healthy levels of testosterone, especially as they age (. Here are 5 evidence-based ways to increase testosterone levels natural