
Affichage des articles du février, 2019

Eat These 16 Muscle Building Foods For Best Results

Ready to build some serious muscle? You’d better be ready to eat like it. All the squats and bench presses in the universe won’t get you very far unless you’re consuming muscle-building material—and that means lean, rich, complete protein. Prioritize these 16 protein-rich foods, and you’ll make sure your body has everything it needs to capitalize on all your hard work in the gym. #1. Whole Wheat Bread Is bread helpful? Yes, they are. Whole wheat bread is packed with nutrients and vitamins. They also have quite high-calorie content which will help you in gaining mass. Most of all you have many options in bread. Consider the one that has the highest nutrient content. #2. Butter Butter is mostly known for its high-calorie content. It is a great choice if you wish to bulk up. It helps in elevating testosterone level. Peanut butter contains a large amount of protein. If you are working out on a regular basis you will not get obese even though you consume large chunks of these muscle buildi

A Full Body Workout You Can Do At Home

Not everyone can afford 30+ minutes to work out or hit the gym 3-5 times per week… Are you short on time but want to increase your fitness level? Or do you just find it difficult to create a workout habit due to a busy schedule? A 10-minute full-body workout is a good way to do something good for yourself and experience health benefits at the same time. Benefits of the 10-Minute Ultimate Workout:     Improves cardiorespiratory fitness     Activates all major muscle groups     Elevates your heart rate and helps burn more calories     Boosts brain function  1. Burpees – 30 Seconds Burpess is a great way to start this 10-minute workout. 30 seconds of this exercise will make you realize what you have signed up for. This exercise is a total fat buster and will help you shed those extra kilos. 2. Squat Jumps – 30 Seconds Now that your body is warmed up, squat jumps will pump all the blood into your legs. You need to make sure you’re following a complete range of motion in this exercise. Try

Ditch Dumbbell Rows - Do This Instead

The one arm row is a mainstay in back training. You support your one side by placing your hand on an object in front of you then with the other arm, you row the dumbbell to your abdomen. It's a great exercise, working the latissimus dorsi (lats), erector spinae (erectors), rhomboids, lower traps, and requires a lot of stabilization from the rotator cuff. Overall this probably seems like a great, unbeatable and complete compound movement, right? While this is a great exercise and has been instrumental in building many big backs, it could be so much more. I want to make it harder, or as we call in the performance training circle, a progression. For example, a progression of a goblet squat is a squat. Basically, it is more advanced and more stuff (muscles) is involved. So how can we make this already awesome move better? Balance: By incorporating balance, the working muscles are engaged even further and all of those little assistance muscles are also activated, because falling sucks

Best 5 Bodyweight Exercises to Build a Ripped Chest

If you’re looking to make your pecs pop, you probably think you need a barbell or, at least, some heavy dumbbells. But that’s just not the case. There are plenty of great moves you can do without any equipment at all—and some that can be done using your own bodyweight and a TRX or band. While these exercises are great for attacking your chest—the pectorals major and minor—they’ll also help get your deltoids, triceps, abs, and more muscles in on the action. In other words, the following moves will help you get that chest you’ll want to show off on the beach this summer—and carve the rest of your body. Combine them for the ultimate chest day bodyweight workout. Or, sprinkle a few in to your total-body routine. #1 Parallel Bar Dips Parallel bar dips are a bad-ass exercise and will fill up your pecs with blood and lactic acid. We prefer the parallel bar dips over the bench dips as your lower body weight adds resistance in the bar dips whereas the bench dips take it off. While performing

4 Best Week Bicep Muscle Building Program

Tired of your biceps looking like bumps in the road instead of mountain peaks? You are not alone and believe it or not, we all have body parts and specific muscle groups we want to improve. However, complaining about a lagging body part doesn't solve the problem. If you REALLY want to transform a weakness into a strength, you need a smart strategy that effectively targets the muscles you want to improve. If this sounds like you then look no further because you have stumbled upon the perfect 4 Week Program to start building BIGGER BICEPS IMMEDIATELY. The best way to conquer this program is to incorporate these routines into your current workout split so be sure to download the workout calendar above. This way you know when to perform each of the EIGHT ROUTINES. I suggest building the perfect split by organizing specific exercises to do on certain days in accordance with the 1 month calendar. For example, each routine in the biceps training program needs at least 2 days of recovery

The Best Full-Body Barbell Workout

A great full-body workout that builds strength and burns fat doesn’t have to be complicated. Our barbells for men and women are all you need for a great workout that can be done with limited time and space. FLOOR PRESS This exercise targets your chest. I would strongly suggest finding a power cage but if you can’t do that, getting a squat rack with modifiable safety arms or J-hooks set just a little bit under the barbell when your arms are locked out. The correct way to do this exercise is to lie supine under the barbell, which should now be right over your eyes, like you were about to do a bench press. You will need to spread your legs and lay them flat on the ground to get them fully disassociated from the rest of the effort that your body is providing to complete this exercise. This will put the pressure on your upper body instead. I would suggest doing this exercise with the exact same grip you take when you do bench presses. Your forearms should be perpendicular to the

Push Up Workout | 7 Push-Up Exercise Variations For Chest Growth

It’s hard not to think of push-ups when we think of training with your own body weight. And for good reason. The push-up is one of the most effective bodyweight exercises. It not only works your chest, but also your triceps and your deltoids. Plus, it strengthens your entire core. And to a certain extent, it even works your glutes, quads and small stabilizing muscles in your upper back. Exercise #1: Regular Push Ups We all know what these are! You should perform regular push ups as a warm up to the full workout. Begin by getting into a prone position, with your arms planted on the floor shoulder width apart. Slowly lower yourself towards to ground, pause, and push back up. Since these will be mainly a warm up exercise, you should keep the reps high, though try not to tire out your chest immediately. Recommended reps: 12-20 reps for 3-4 sets Exercise #2: Wide Grip Push Ups Similar to regular push ups, but you will be placing your hands wider apart than shoulder width. Doing so eliminat

How to Eat and Train for an Ectomorph Body Type Get Big?

Do you look more like a marathon runner than a swimmer? Would you describe yourself as long and lean, willowy or wiry? Is it difficult for you to put on muscle mass? If you said, "yes" to any of these questions, then you most likely have an ectomorph body type.   Physical Characteristics Models who grace the covers and pages of most fashion magazine tend to have an ectomorph body type. In addition to being tall, they have a thin build, long limbs, small joints and thin bones. Many are flat chested and don't have much junk in the trunk. Although they appear skinny, they can actually have higher body fat than one might expect. Ectomorphs have a difficult time putting on muscle mass because their metabolism has a tendency to run higher than other body types. In the fitness world, we would refer to them as “hard gainers.” Famous female ectomorphs include Kate Moss, Natalie Portman, Taylor Swift, Kate Middleton and Cameron Diaz. Famous male ectomorphs include Matthew McCona

What Does Weight Training Do For Your Body?

Let's clear something up: Weight training is not the same as body building. Weight training is about improving muscle strength and muscle tone. For men, who have naturally higher levels of testosterone, it usually does mean an increase in muscle size, called hypertrophy. On the other hand, women tend to increase the tone without significantly increasing the muscle size. Typically, muscle conditioning uses dumbbells and barbells (called free weights) and various types of weight machines (usually referred to by brand names such as Cybex and Nautilus). Benefits of muscle training: Numerous people who work out or are new to the wellness world feel muscle training is something that only more experienced athletes take part in. This cannot possibly be more off-base. There are such a large number of physical, fitness, and mental advantages, so it is better to not kick muscle training out of your exercise plan. Some of these benefits include: Muscle training does not just fortify muscle

9 Trap Exercises You Should Start Performing

Your traps are muscles that add an instant air of dominance, power, and masculinity to your physique. And when it comes to building them, there are three key factors you need to implement. “First, it’s important to target your trap muscles from a variety of movements that include loaded carries, shrugs, Olympic lifting variations, upper back exercises, and overhead movements,” says Joel Seedman, Ph.D., strength and performance specialist and owner of Advanced Human Performance in Atlanta, Georgia. “Second, you need to incorporate proper posture, spinal alignment, and scapular positioning on all exercises to activate your targeted muscles efficiently,” he says. “And finally, it’s critical to include the key mechanisms for inducing maximal hypertrophy, such as overload and mechanical tension, constant/continuous tension, metabolic stress, and stretch-induced micro trauma.” Don’t worry. It sounds more traumatic than it really is. The following exercises employ all of these c