
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2016

The Back and Biceps Beginner Workout to Build Muscle Fast

This beginners back and bicep workout comprises of a total  The workout is designed for new lifters and should be used before going on to a more advanced split routine with more exercises & sets. THE BACK & BICEPS WORKOUT Back  Trap Bar Deadlift 5 sets x 10  Single-arm DB Row 3 sets x 10 Pull up (or Inverted Row) 3 sets x as many as possible Biceps  BB Curl 3 sets x 10  Lying Cable Curl 3 sets x 10  Open-grip Concentration Curl 3 sets x 10

Workout Program & Back and Biceps

These are the “pulling muscles”. You’ll notice that all the exercises you do for back and biceps involve some type of pulling or rowing movement. For example, pull downs, deadlifts, dumbbell rows, bicep curls, etc… That’s why we’re going to group all these muscle groups together in the same workout. This will allow the complementary muscle groups to get trained at the same time and also get equal recovery time between workouts. Hitting the back and biceps for your workout is a classic "split"—and it works. Despite the growth of exercise styles like CrossFit, circuit training, and group training, split routines will never go out of style. Why? Because they get results. Back Workout Wide Grip Pull-ups – 4 Sets of 8-10 Reps Wide-Grip Pulldown –  4 Sets of 8-10 Reps Wide Grip Lat Pull Down 4 Sets of 8-10 Reps Seated Low Cable Row – 4 Sets of 10-12 Rep Bent Over Barbell Rows – 4 Sets of 8-10 Rep Barbell Dead-lifts – 4 Sets of 8-10 Rep Biceps Workout Standing Barbell Cu

Best Workout Program & Legs and Abdominals

We’re also going to pair up legs with abdominals. Now while you can train your abs with any body part that you like, they do come into play as stabilizing and supporting muscle groups for a lot of the lower body moves we’ll be doing. So that’s why it makes sense to pair them up with your leg workouts. Exercises Rotation lunge   Sets 4 Reps 10-15 Reverse lunge press   Sets 4 Reps 10-15 Russian Twist   Sets 4 Reps 20 Swiss Ball Hip Raise and Leg Curl   Sets 4 Reps 20 Hydrant extension   Sets 4 Reps 12-15 , alternating sides Wide squat with ball   Sets 4 Reps 10-15 Alternate-leg deadlift   Perform Sets 4 Reps 10-12 , then switch legs Squat with front raise    Raise your arms in front of your body 8 times. Rise to the start. Repeat 2-4 times to hit your core hard.

Workout Is the Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Weight Training

People worry about what others think in two places: the gym and the middle school lunchroom. No one wants to look like a weight-training beginner—even beginners. Having spent much time in the gym the sad truth is most people have no idea what they’re doing—even if they’ve been lifting for years. Learning proper technique and maximizing your efficiency in the gym is tough these days. Inconsistent, contradictory information from all sources of media has created an environment ripe with confusion. No wonder so many people struggle to build a strong, shredded and athletic body.  And now I want to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained with you. Workout Details Equipment: Dumbbells (kettlebell optional) Workout Details: Start with 15 deadlifts (kettlebell or dumbbells) followed by 15 lateral flies, three rounds of each. Round two takes you into 15 reverse lunges on each leg followed by 15 upright rows for three sets each. Finish up with lateral squats (15 on each side), followed by sid

How Many Sets and Reps Should You Really Do Per Exercise Each Workout?

Getting bigger and stronger is a beautifully simple science. You lift something heavy, stress your muscles, eat, rest and repeat. Do this with enough intensity and consistency, and you'll grow big and strong. If it's that simple, why on earth do most trainers and gym-goers insist on making weightlifting mind-numbingly complicated? Undulating periodization? Compensatory acceleration? Alactic capacity? These sound like topics from a trigonometry textbook, not ways to get jacked. Like most things in fitness, there's no absolute right or wrong way to build muscle, but there's certainly an optimal way, especially regarding the number of sets and reps you use. So how many sets do you need to build muscle? 3x10? 5x5? 10x10? Somewhere in between? This article will shed some light on the science of how many sets you should do to maximize muscle growth and strength. The Most Common Set And Rep Combinations For An Exercise Below are the most commonly used and prescribed combin

3 Best Protein Shake Before Bed Recipe to Build Mass ?

When you’re tucking yourself in to bed at night you’re about to embark on, hopefully, what will become a 7-8 hour period full of restful sleep and recovery. However one problem with this period is that you aren’t feeding your body with the nutrients that is sometimes needs. This will become a 7-8 hour nutritional fast where your body could be missing out. In terms of digestion and utilisation of nutrients, we call this period the post-absorbtive phase.> During the first 2 hours or so after a meal the body is in what’s referred to as the post-prandial phase. During this time the body is working like a machine to synthesise new proteins and replenish glycogen stores in the muscles and liver. Once the nutrients have been delivered during this phase for storage, the post-absorbtive period is what follows. This is when the body is looking to use those stored nutrients as energy. In order to maintain blood glucose and tissue metabolism, the body starts to send out stored nutrients and a

Six Different Ways to Increase Strength and Build Muscle

Whether you’re a skinny guy desperately trying to pack on muscle (like Michael B. Jordan in Creed) or a not-so-skinny guy trying to convert body mass into muscle (like Chris Pratt in Gaurdians of the Galaxy), bulking up the right way is a challenge. But that doesn’t mean it’s complicated (read here for 6 more basic muscle-building facts). With the right training regimens (yes, you want more than one routine on deck), balance of calories and nutrients, and lifestyle you can be on your way to a thicker, stronger you. Thicken the Grip On exercises that require a bar it has been shown that the thicker the bar the better for strength and muscle gains. Don’t bench press, dead lift, squat, or even bicep curl with a skinny bar. Go for the thickest bar in the gym and then wrap a towel around it to make it even thicker! There are also some great products that you can buy to widen the grip on the bar such as “Fat Gripz.” Something as simple as thickening the bar that you are usually using can pro

How to Get a Firmer Butt in 9 Moves ?

When you do any workout, it’s important to squeeze those butt muscles and hold the move for a few seconds. One of the most common mistakes amateurs make is not holding a move for long enough. • Incorporate weights whenever you can — dumbbells, ankle weights, whatever. You’ll feel a bigger burn and get more muscle. And ladies, do not think that weights are going to make you look overly jacked and manly. They won’t. • The smaller the waist, the bigger the behind looks. So incorporate some waist-cinching moves whenever possible. • Once you get the butt of your dreams, you need to keep it up (literally). Muscle gets soft if you just let it sit around. Which is why your workout routine needs to be a priority. No one wants a saggy butt, am I right? In other words, the trick to getting an Instagram-famous tush is hard work. Boring, I know. But it’s true. So get your butt to the gym. You want to be able to enjoy yourself this summer and feel great inside and out — and a big part of that is

10 Carby Snacks That Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

Not all calories are created equal. Different foods go through different metabolic pathways in the body. They can have vastly different effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn. Here are the 10 most weight loss friendly foods on earth, that are supported by science. Cereal Popcorn Green bananas Roasted chickpeas Baked potato with broccoli and cheese Trail mix Fruit popsicle Granola parfait Pineapple With Lime Juice Sea Salt Apple Chunks,Chopped Walnut,and Cinnamon

8 Best Most Effective Exercises For Weight Loss

When you're working out several times a week to get fit and lose weight, you want a routine that offers maximum results in the minimum amount of time. Exercise scientists have been hard at work on this particular issue, and now years of research indicates that the following 8 moves—done properly—are all you need to achieve the slim, taut body you're after. What to Do: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds after each one. For maximum fat burning results, perform this workout 3 to 4 times per week on non-consecutive days. Beginner’s Level: 2 rounds Intermediate Level: 3 rounds Advanced Level: 4 rounds Exercises: 1. Bicep Curls 2. Burpees 3. Dumbbell Squat Jumps 4. Bicycles 5. Renegade Dumbbell Row 6. Run in Place with High Knees 7. Kickbacks 8. Crunch

Six Awesome Ab Exercises for Beginners

Well-defined abs can complement your favorite bikini or form-fitting dress. Creating an abdominal workout can be a challenge if you don’t know where to start. Training your abs doesn’t have to mean performing a countless number of crunches or complicated exercises. Perform exercises that activate each muscle in the midsection to effectively work the abs and core. In order to start building core strength, you need to start easy and slowly work up to more difficult moves. Complete these beginner ab exercises 2 to 3 times per week until you think you’ve developed enough muscle to try harder moves. It’ll help you strengthen lower abs, upper abs, and obliques, all the main muscle groups you need to move on to harder, more impressive moves. Exercises: 1. Standing Bicycle Crunch 2. Standing Side Bend 3. Single Leg Lift 4. Toe Dips 5. Side Plank 6. Planks

Abs Workout: Circuits for Upper Abs, Lower Abs

The rectus abdominis is the most visible abdominal muscle group; it is responsible for the six-pack. These muscles play a role in maintaining posture. The rectus abdominis muscles can be broken down into two groups: the lower abdominals and upper abdominals. Below, Lower Ab  and Upper Ab Exercises. if you work out three times a week training your chest and back one day, your legs on another and your arms and shoulders another, just bolt on the upper abs moves on chest day, the lower abs moves on legs day, and the obliques and core moves on arms and shoulders day. Alternatively, you can do them as standalone sessions for a quick and effective abs workout. Upper abs workout Dumbbell crunch   Reps 10 Rest 10sec Crunches   Reps 20 Rest 90sec Tuck and crunch  Reps 15 Rest 10sec Modified V-sit   Reps 12 Rest 10sec Crunches Legs Straight Up   Reps 12 Rest 10sec Lower abs workout Hanging leg rais e  Reps 10 Rest 10sec Hanging knee raise twist   Reps 12 each side Rest 10sec Hanging kn

20-Minute Full Body Workout for Muscle Mass

Charles Staley’s Escalating Density Training (EDT) is a favorite around the Muscle & Fitness office for two simple reasons: 1, it’s quick and 2, it works! The idea here is to work opposing muscle groups for a given amount of time, rather than simply measuring sets and reps. When one muscle group is resting from the set, you’re working the other - continually building the intensity. Choose a weight that’s roughly your 20 rep max and start with sets of ten. This may seem easy, but remember that you’re doing this for 20 minutes with as little rest as possible so you’ll definitely feel the lactic acid building. When you’re done with one set, move right into the exercise for the opposing body part, and continue in this manner until the time is up. The key is to count the total reps done within that time frame and then increase it the next week. In this manner you’re constantly improving, which is the key to building muscle. Deadlift Front Squat Incline Dumbbell Bench

15 Minute Full Body Workout for Muscle Mass

If you have only 15 minutes to train, don’t mess around with fancy exercises that waste time. The best workouts aren’t always flashy—plenty of simple workout routines get the job done. We’ve got one that blasts your pecs with heavy weight and hits the muscle fibers from every important angle.  Dumbbell Chest Press   Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 0sec   Dumbbell Incline Chest Press    Sets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60sec  Low Cable Flys   Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 0sec   Bent-Over Single-Arm Cable Press   Sets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60sec  Middle Cable Chest Fly   Sets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60sec  Press-up   Sets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60sec

How to Gain Muscle Mass as a Vegan

Despite many misconceptions, you can be a vegan and gain muscle mass. Plant-based foods offer enough protein to help you achieve your goals, as long as you are eating a varied diet. To gain muscle mass, you need to know what your body needs to build muscle, and you need to have a healthy body overall. You also need to practice weightlifting to slowly strengthen and grow your muscles. Gaining Muscle Mass with Food Get your protein. Muscles need protein to repair and build themselves. The amino acids in protein are what the body uses to perform these tasks. Therefore, your body needs protein to build muscle over time.[1] As a vegan, protein will come from plant-based sources. Remember that many foods contain protein, not just animal products. Shake It! As mentioned above, protein shakes are a recommended way of supplementing your vegan diet, to get the right intake of protein each day. All shakes contain different amounts of protein, so make sure you read the product labels. Moreover, s

Workout Plan For Skinny Guys To Gain Lean Muscle

I have heard a lot of people claim that your body size is defined by your genes/DNA – and if you are skinny when you are born then you will always be. I have heard guys say ‘I wish I were muscular but there is no chance of that since it is just not in my genes’. Sorry, but that’s total nonsense. Because thin guys definitely can put on muscle and gain weight even with a fast metabolism. There are just a number of things that you need to do to be able to pack on some serious muscle mass. As a skinny guy (or ‘hardgainer’ as they sometimes call it), like me, I’ll bet you would pretty much do anything to be able to quickly gain pounds of muscle, right? You’ve probably been through numerous fitness magazines and read several articles trying to convince you that you need to spend some fortune on muscle gaining pills and supplements? Well, as a skinny hardgainer myself, I should tell you that to gain muscles is easier than some of those magazines would have you believe. It’s worth remembering

Best A Program For Effective Muscle Building Techniques

I can remember walking into a gym for the first time and easily being the most small, weak and skinny guy there. My muscle building genetics were (and still are) as bad as can be, yet my only goal was to figure out how to build muscle as fast as humanly possible. So, like most people with this same goal, I started reading everything I could about the best workout, diet and exercises for building muscle. I spent money on the supposed best muscle building supplements, books and magazines, read countless websites and articles, and tried tons of methods and programs. If you are looking to achieve that perfect body there are 4 key building blocks to any program that you must address. Here are those 4 key areas:- Diet What you eat, when you eat and how often you eat is overlooked by far too many people when they are looking to build lean muscle. This is a vital factor if you are to achieve the physique you are looking for. Good post and pre workout meals are vital, you must eat ‘good’ fats a

30 Min Bigger Biceps Workout

If you ever wondered “why the hell aren’t my arms growing?” and you have been doing your bicep lifts using the correct form, you are training your legs and hitting your back regularly, basically you got pretty much everything covered. Perhaps the only thing that you need right now is to shock your arms (specifically your biceps brachii) with some killer biceps workout. On with the pain! 30-minute arm workout loaded with supersets and dropsets to bring up those bicep peaks and stack on the size. #1: BARBELL CURL – SETS 4 – REPS 12 #2: HAMMER CURLS – SETS 4 – REPS 12 #3: CONCENTRATION CURLS - SETS 4 – REPS 12 each arm #4: OVERHEAD CABLE CURL – 2 SETS TO FAILURE #5: DEAD HANG CURLS – SETS 4 – REPS 12 Perform this bicep workout with 1min 30sec rest in between sets and remember to focus all your attention on your bicep muscles and in particular the contraction and extension. For optimum growth and recovery results after your workout refuel your muscles with Vitalstrength Pro-Muscle Advan

Routine program for Diva Tamra Dae

What workout routine has worked best for you? I love to incorporate the training I learned while playing soccer, with weights and HIIT! Depending on how my body feels I might add another day or choose to rest for three. It is crucial to understand this because I think it’s more important to listen to my body than to follow a strict program. Full Routine: Monday: Hamstrings/Glutes Smith Machine Squats (increasing weight) 4 x 10/8/6/4 Goblet Squats 3 x 12 Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 12 (each leg) Leg Press (increasing weight) 3 x 25/15/10 Seated Leg Curl 3 x 12 Cable Kickbacks 4 x 25 Tuesday: Shoulders/Triceps Dumbbell Fly’s 4 x 12 Cable External Rotations 3 x 12 Overhead Rope Extensions 3 x 12 Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 12 Bent-Over Cable Extensions 3 x 15 Push Ups 1 x Failure Wednesday: Back/Abs Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3 x 12 Bent-Over Barbell Rows 3 x 12 Seated Rows 3 x 12 TRX Inverted Rows 3 x 12 Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 15 Russian Twists (using medicine ball) 3 x 25 Thu

Workouts to build bigger forearm muscles

Perform Forearms once a week and not more than twice a week. As forearms also receive constant stimulation during bicep exercises they require less sets. I suggest once a week total forearm workout is sufficient for its complete stimulation. Sample Workout  forearms Seated/Machine Reverse Wrist Curl     Sets   3   Reps    15,12,10 Seated/Machine Wrist Curl     Sets   3   Reps    15,12,10 Farmer’s Walks     3    Failure (60sec rest) Wrist Roller     3     10, 8, 6 Gorilla Grip Trainer/alternative     3    20,20,20 Towel  pullup    3   Reps    15,12,10 Behind the Back Cable Curl     3   Reps    15,12,10

7 Best Exercises For build forearms

Your forearms don't get the respect they deserve. Not only do thicker, fuller forearms give you a more aesthetically imposing look, but they increase your strength capacity in exercises like the deadlift. Your upper body will also look and function more symmetrically. Failing to train forearms results in weak grip strength, and let's cut to the chase, skinny-looking arms. Target yours with these 7 forearm exercises and sayonara to your skinny arms. Barbell Wrist Curl - Sit on one end of a bench and hold the barbell, wrists against your knees, palms facing up. - Raise the barbell up by curling your wrists and slowly lower it back down after a short pause. - Keep your forearms pressed against your thighs throughout.  Barbell Wrist Curl - Standing; Behind Back - Stand up and hold the barbell behind you, arms extended, palms facing back. - Raise the barbell up by curling your wrists and slowly lower it back down after a short pause. - Keep your arms still throughout. Wrist Exten

The Best Fish for Bodybuilders And The Benefits

Many bodybuilders don’t eat as much fish as they should. I’m not sure why maybe they don’t like the taste or the price. A pound of fish can cost more than five dollars (the price is considerably higher for gourmet varieties), while chicken or lean ground beef can often be found for less. Preparation must also be considered. Most muscle heads, who eat five or six times a day, would rather alternate between shakes and easy-to-prepare protein meals, such as precooked chicken or sliced deli meats, than bother with preparing and broiling a fish filet. The Benefits Bodybuilders who steer away from seafood completely are missing the boat in the nutrition department. Fish offers many benefits, from easy-to-digest amino acids on par with whey protein to an array of minerals that support testosterone and thyroid functions. Incorporate fish into your bodybuilding diet more frequently to receive its nutritional benefits. Slow Fish The remaining meals of the day, including the last one before be