
Affichage des articles du juillet, 2019

5 Things To Avoid When You’re Training Chest Muscles

You want a chest that fills out your t-shirt. We get it. Join the club. But when your chest doesn't grow, things can get very frustrating. You're not alone in this struggle, either. Everyone wants a physique that is athletic, strong and chiseled. In other words, a body that lifts well and looks even better. Unfortunately, achieving ‘that look’ only comes with hard work. There are no shortcuts. Anyway, the chest – which mainly consists of the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor – is a notoriously difficult muscle to build. But it's not impossible, providing you follow our advice and avoid these silly mistakes. Check out these five reasons why your chest isn’t troubling your shirt buttons. Just Bench Pressing  Another very common mistake which is made on chest day is solely doing pressing movements. This could be a barbell bench press, incline barbell bench press, dumbbell press etc. The point is all of these movements are pretty much identical and aren’t really ‘testing’

8 Exercises to build massive legs

“Did you skip leg day, bro?” Well, you at least thought about it. We all have. But focus on the upper-mirror muscles alone and your spaghetti legs will not only attract some less than welcoming looks during your next workout, but it’ll also leave your single-digit body fat plans stuck in neutral. However, deploy the right below-the-belt moves and you’ll pump blood to your largest muscles, burning up the calories and toning your body from shoulders to calves. That’s right, the route to a six-pack is from below. So which moves make leg day count the most? Below is PT Ollie Frost’s best lower-body moves that will guarantee maximum muscle growth in the least amount of time. RIP skinny jeans. Overhead squat Think you’re a true man? You will be after a few reps of this. An overhead squat will push the limits of your flexibility, stability, balance and strength while also highlighting any weaknesses in your erector spinae, adductors and rhomboids (your hips, essentially) that you may n

Crush Your Core With This top Barbell Move - bodybuilding110

The belief was that abdominal training was not functional, nor a compound movement. Conventional wisdom in the CrossFit community, therefore, rendered abdominal work useless. In the earliest editions of the CrossFit Journal, Greg Glassman was famous for saying squats were the best way to get strong abs. Fast forward a few years to CrossFit as a mainstream fitness routine, and the taboo surrounding working your abs has mostly disappeared. Don’t get me wrong, squats will make your core strong. But that answer isn’t what everyone is looking for. If your goal is to train your abs more, or you’d like to do more core training to become a better athlete, this guide is for you. To perform the series, you'll need a decline bench and a barbell. Don't just grab the nearest 45-pound bar handy, however; Samuel says that you'll need less weight than you might expect. "Even a 20 [pound bar] will slay most people if you’re really owning that hold position," he says, noting that

6 Common Calf Training Mistakes Most Guys With Small Calves Make

If you go to the gym 3-5 times per week and pay close attention to what you eat then chances are you are very conscious of how you look and take a lot of pride in your physique. I mean let’s be real, you aren’t going to the gym to socialize. Having said that, being around tons of in-shape people all the time can definitely get you feeling insecure.   One are in particularly that most guys struggle with is calves. If you are like us, calves have always lagged other body parts. After a few years of training our calves still looked small relative to our quads, hamstrings and upper-body muscles. What made matters worse is that there were guys who barely spent any time in the gym at all yet still had massive calves. While calf frustration is well-documented the good news is you can definitely train around it. If you aren’t getting the type of calves growth you want you are probably making one of several common errors. #1. Not lifting heavy enough This is by far the most common mistake

Best Five Days Full Body Workout Program

  When performing each exercise and move up a set, you will do more weight and less repetitions to build both size and strength. Adding more weight will help build the muscles and make them fuller. Monday : - This day focuses on targeting the chest and back muscles through the use of push and pulling mechanics. Tuesday : - On Tuesday you will work the leg and abs through compound movements to build larger size and fuller muscles. Wednesday : - Arms days are important on building size and strength through explosive moments and heavy weight. Thursday : - Rest day to prepare for weekend of heavy shoulders/back/chest/arms Friday : - It is important to target and focus upon the back and shoulder muscles twice a week as the back is a crucial body part to give you that fuller and bulk look. Saturday : - Saturdays are used to re-target the chest and legs through compound movements along with adding in workouts that help boost strength, endurance and stamina. Sunday : - Rest This routine is s

8 Foods That Boost Libido And the 8 Foods That Kill It

  If you’ve been feeling a bit too tired lately and have no desire for sex whatsoever, it’s very likely that your libido has taken a hit and needs to be boosted. In this article, we have compiled a list of foods you can add to your diet which will give a powerful boost to your libido and make you feel like a teenager again. Well, not exactly like a teenager, but you get our point! So, here are the 8 foods that will increase your sex drive and additional 8 that will reduce it: Black raspberries Black raspberries as well as the seeds in them will change your mindset and will instantly get you in the mood, which is why you should eat at least a handful every day in order to make you more creative underneath the sheets. They are rich in phytochemicals which increase both your libido and overall sexual endurance. Eat at least 10 per day or take a tablespoon of raspberry seeds a couple of hours before having sex. Broccoli You can eat them in any form, either raw, cooked or sautéed. Jus

Top 6 Exercises To Build Shoulder Muscles

The shoulders have a dramatic impact on the silhouette of the body. Strong, broad shoulders are universally respected as a symbol of power and authority. If your chest and arms are gigantic and your shoulders are under developed and narrow, you are still going to look weak. A lot of women’s clothes have shoulder pads built into them, and some men’s clothes too, so achieving broad, sleek shoulders can be beneficial to both sexes.  Strong shoulders will help improve the form of other exercises involving the arms, such as bench presses and deadlifts. If you are a professional fighter, well-conditioned shoulder muscles will help you keep your stance together longer and avoid injury. A strong shoulder girdle, including the rotator cuff, will vastly improve the chances of avoiding weightlifting and other sports injuries. 1st build shoulder muscles exercise – shoulder press with smith machine The smith machine is great to build shoulder muscles, especially for beginners as you can perf

Post Workout nutrition: 4 Tricks to Keep Your Muscles Growing

To build muscle and look leaner, you'll need to choose between two post-workout paths: Follow the masses to a juice shop for a whey protein shake (that will only end up bloating your belly), or strike out on your own with the advice of top trainers to guide you. We think the right answer is obvious. Luckily, this article will tell you exactly what to do make sure that your muscle growth does not become halted. Trick #1: Use Water to Save the Day You have just finished working your heart out and now you have sweated out all of the good nutrients you took in during the course of the day. You need to consider drinking a glass of water immediately! Your body loses a lot of fluid when you workout intensely. This is mainly lost through your sweat. Water consumption can help a great deal when recuperating from a hard session. Trick #2: Carbohydrates Will Set You Straight! You will also be lacking in energy resources by the time you are done exercising. It is recommended that you cons

Dumbbell Moves You Need To Try | HIT EVERY MUSCLE - bodybuilding110

Dumbbells are the most accessible free weights so they’re the first most people tend to try, either in the gym or as part of a home workout. They’re also among the most versatile weights you can use, and even if you usually gravitate towards the barbell to tackle big lifts like the back squat, deadlift and bench press, there are plenty of reasons to make sure you also find time for dumbbell exercises. “When using a barbell, your weaker side can get an easy ride,” says PT and Multipower ambassador Ant Nyman. “You can move the weight predominantly using your stronger side, meaning one side will always lag behind. Using dumbbells nullifies this problem because each side has to work individually, meaning you’ll develop strength and size evenly on both sides. “The unstable nature of holding dumbbells also ensures that your stabiliser muscles have to work hard to keep you steady while you perform the movement. Without realising it you’ll be strengthening your core and other stabiliser mus

6 Back Workouts for bigger Mass

 If there’s one part of the body that you absolutely should be making sure to target with your workouts, it’s your back. While it’s tempting to focus on mirror muscles like your chest, biceps and abs, building a strong back is key to progressing when lifting weights, as well as increasing your resilience when it comes to sports-related injuries or the back niggles that plague our nation of deskbound workers. And even if your sole focus with your gym work is aesthetics, then you should know that building up your back is going to make you look absolute dynamite in a T-shirt. To help you out on all those back, er, fronts, try these two six-move workouts for mass. Conventional Deadlift The best back workouts for mass center on the all-important deadlift, which allows you to train the lats and spinal erectors with huge loads, according to Kompf.  Why it's on the list: This is technically more than a back exercise—it hits the entire posterior chain from your calves to your upper t

Basic Rules For Building Monster Strength

How Do You Actually Build Muscle? Before we discuss the nuts and bolts of how to build muscle, we need to run through the basics on muscle physiology so that we’re all on the same page. When someone lifts weights, they create trauma within the muscle fiber by generating micro tears. Once damage occurs, a cascade of biochemical signaling takes place and satellite cells become active. These cells actually bind to muscle cells in order to repair the damaged areas and help to synthesize new contractile components. When these components increase in cross sectional area, you experiences the phenomenon commonly known as muscular hypertrophy. Essentially, you must remember the goal of training is to stimulate protein synthesis but the key to building muscle is cellular repair, not damage. Now don't get me wrong, there is some truth to the saying, "stimulate, don't annihilate." But, to quote supergenius and performance specialist Alex Viada, "Adaptation requires pushing

The Results of Overtraining - bodybuilding110

There has been much debate about the exact role of overtraining and resistance exercise. Some, such as Mike Mentzer, thought that just about all bodybuilders were overtraining—and yet there were many scientists who overwhelmingly concluded that individuals could never reach a true overtraining state. Researchers were interested in a controlled study standardizing the diet and training with excessive training load and insufficient recovery time between bouts on muscle markers of anabolism and catabolism. Male rats were randomly assigned to either a trained or a sedentary group.   The parameters of this study were strictly controlled, with the subjects going through a standardized diet and working out excessively with heavier loads than normal, as well as shorter recovery times in between sets and muscle activity fluctuations between their anabolic and catabolic states. This study was performed on male rats, and they were assigned to a trained or a sedentary group, after which they were

Tips Barbell Shrug Exercise - bodybuilding110

the barbell shrug is one of the most commonly used exercises when people are looking to build the trapezius; whether it be from an aesthetic approach or from a functional strength approach. Being an isolation exercise, the shrug applies only the trapezius muscle and therefore is an extremely efficient exercise when looking to target just the trapezius. Using almost any equipment in the gym (Barbell, Dumbbell, Cable, Kettlebell, Weight Plate); the shrug is one of the most simplistic and easy exercises to perform. This is the traditional way of doing the shrug and it is an effective traps builder. Now, I’m going to pass on a tip that will make this exercise so much more effective. Before I give you the tip, the next time your looking at the muscle magazines, take a look at how some of those pro’s perform the shrug. This little movement is very subtle but it makes a world of difference in the results from the shrug exercise. What I’m talking about is making the shrug exercise a little