
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2017

6 Kettlebell Exercises To Burn Fat & Get Ripped

5 killer exercises to get your heart rate racing and your body pumping to burn fat, get fit and look ripped! If you want this HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine to work, you need to be willing to push yourself – resting and catching your breath after each individual exercise will make you feel better and make the routine seem easier, but you won’t benefit in the long run. What you’ll need to complete this HIIT circuit – A kettle bell (16kg or 20kg) Some room A stop watch or timer Ideally you need to do each individual exercise for 30 seconds, but if you can handle it, set the time to 60 seconds per exercise – it’ll be worth it! 1 -Kettle Bell Swings Select a kettle bell at a comfortable weight. The weight should be a challenge as anything too easy will not push you enough during the routine. For example; I am 5ft 9in tall, weigh 75kg and use a 20kg kettle bell. HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart with the kettle bell resting on the f