
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2019

Best Chest Workout: Follow The 9 Chest Exercises

So you religiously go to the gym every Monday to train chest, right? You hit the flat bench, hit the pec deck, and smash a few sets out on the cable cross machine. So why isn't your chest growing? While progressively overloading with weight or reps, chest growth could be slow due to genetics, poor quality contractions, or you simply aren't doing enough. Below are 9 different chest exercise variations you should try if you want to build a shredded chest. Before we get started, a question. High volume or high intensity?   In the case of building your chest, you cannot choose one or the other. Including both high-volume and high-intensity training into your chest workout will elicit a growth and testosterone response. 9 Best Chest Exercises #1 - Weighted Chest Dips When done properly, weighted chest dips really puts some great tension on the pecs and they also develop huge arms at the same time. Can't do weighted dips? Find a hammer strength machine or an assisted dip ma

Bodybuilding diet plan : Quality Protein !

If you are considering on taking a bodybuilding diet, here are a few things you have to accomplish before you try to gain body mass: You have to eat quality protein ou will gain fat and muscle at the same time. Healthy first and tasty second. The three rules are the general guide of a person who is into bodybuilding. When one is planning on changing his lifestyle into something healthier, it means he has to drop most of the junk and exchange it with healthy foods. For example, try to eat a gram of protein for every pound of your body weight. This can be found in chicken, fish, protein powder and lean red meats. It may be irritating but you must be used to the fact that in bodybuilding, muscle and fat are gained simultaneously. In order for you to add more muscle, you have to eat more. The unfortunate thing about this is that eating more equals more calories. What are the chances you will be eating the right amount of food you need to begin with. Chances are you will be eating less of w

33 Best Cardio-Based Bodyweight Exercises

When we say "daily cardio exercise," odds are you immediately think about logging miles on a treadmill or elliptical. But it doesn't have to be that way. After all, you should never feel boxed in or bored by your workouts ("Ugh, I guess I'll just hop on for 20 minutes and hate every second of it" is probably the world's worst approach to fitness.) What if we told you that you could get a kick-ass cardio workout that would keep you on your toes, without even leaving the house? Better still: The steps are broken down into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, so you can adjust as needed. And the bodyweight-only moves are mostly low impact, meaning you can do them in the comfort of your own living room without worrying about annoying the downstairs neighbors. Where did we come up with the moves? Well, we tapped Josey Greenwell, certified trainer and Barry's Bootcamp instructor, to show us some of his favorite heart-pumping exercises. You can c