
Affichage des articles du février, 2017

Top Back Workout For A Barn House Door Back

This workout is a complete back workout targeting mostly back thickness but also stimulating back width. It is inspired by Kai Greene and designed to put barn doors chunks of muscle on your back. We are going to hit all parts of your back; upper, lower, middle… and we are going to use all kinds of intensifying techniques to spark some serious muscle growth. The MOST IMPORTANT aspect of any back workout is to ensure that you are not jerking through movements, especially as your muscles fatigue – keep tension in your muscles and keep your mind /muscle connection on your lats. Deadlifts Sets: 4 Reps: 3-6 Rest Time: 90 Seconds Note: This is an incredible back workout because you are emphasizing the erector spinae all the way to your traps. Another benefit is that this exercise will also blast your hamstrings. Make sure to emphasize your form and stay tight during this movement. Seated Cable Row (Close Grip) Sets: 3 Reps: 6-10 Rest Time: 90 Seconds Note: This is a fantastic exercise for

How to Get Big Arms in 2 Weeks ?

You can sure sweep the girl of your dreams off her feet with your charm; but if you can lift her in Superhero-like arms that promise her to catch every time she falls, then you’ve arrived. Tired of scrawny arms? Time to build up some brawn up there—and that too in just a couple of weeks! Read on to build bigger arms and earn instant respect. Fitness experts across the globe agree that nothing, we repeat, nothing will help you get big arms faster then training biceps, triceps and forearms together on a single day. When you are fresh and when your glycogen stores are full, that’s the best time to train your arms, as it will produce a much more intense arm workout leading to better gains. The body parts trained first will always improve faster than those at the end of the workout when you are fatigued.  THE WORKOUT These Workouts will add the most muscle to your biceps, and triceps. secured. Friday Arm Specialization Biceps: EXERCISE 1:  BARBELL BICEPS CURL 4 sets of 8-12 reps EXERCISE

Extreme Six Pack Abs Workout

This workout combines core work, cardio, and isolation abdominal exercises to really help you get great results. Building muscle, along with total body fat burning workouts, along with adding core exercises and of course a clean diet will equal tight and toned abdominal success. Developing your abdominal muscles with added weight will also boost your post metabolic burn so keep that in mind as well. 1 JACKKNIFE SIT-UP 2  REVERSE CRUNCH 3 DECLINE CRUNCH CABLE 4 HANGING LEG RAISE 5 CABLE CRUNCH

How Dividing Up Your Muscle Groups?

A “workout program split” refers to how you divide your workout routine to train different muscles on different days of the week. In general, there are three types of workout splits to consider. They include: Full body workouts Upper/lower body workouts Split body workouts Each of these splits can work well, but it’s important to understand the pros and cons. Full Body Routine With a full body workout, you train each muscle group each day that you’re at the gym. It ensures that you hit each muscle group frequently, while maintaining a number of rest days. It’s effective and efficient, and great for people with busy schedules or that are just starting out. A full body workout schedule might look something like this: Monday: Full body Tuesday: Off Wednesday: Full body Thursday: Off Friday: Full body Saturday: Off Sunday: Off Because each muscle group is trained each time you hit the gym, you get a powerful metabolic response from your workout. If your goal is to stay or become lean, a fu

The One Arm Barbell Press – A Unique Exercise For Shoulder Mass

When you want to surprise your muscles and accelerate muscle growth, performing endless sets of bench presses just won’t cut it – achieving unconventional progress demands some unconventional exercises. As any dedicated lifter would confirm, even the best training routines can’t provide superior gains forever and once in a while, you will need to shake things up and present your muscles with a new challenge. The one-arm barbell press: how and why? The one-arm barbell press is performed by holding a barbell with one arm with your palms facing you or each other and pressing the bar up in one powerful movement. You can either perform this movement in a lying position on a bench or as a standing shoulder press, which will determine the optimal type of grip. As you can guess, this is not a very popular exercise and you’ll rarely see it being performed in your local gym. This is because most lifters underestimate the benefits of unilateral training, and those who recognize its importance

Build A Bigger Back For This Routine

 Many gym goers tend to focus most of their time on the “show” muscles (chest, biceps and abs) but neglecting your back isn’t a great idea for either appearance or performance. Building a strong, stable and healthy back can reduce the pain that you feel at the end of a long day and a strong, wide back and also helps broaden the upper body and make the waist appear narrower (often referred to as a V-taper) creating a much more appealing and sexy overall look. Back Training While it’s common to put chest and back together on the same training day – Arnold used to do this – it makes more sense to work back on its own day, especially if it’s a weak point, followed if you want by biceps and forearms. This allows you to focus all of your energy on back training only instead of “sharing” energywith another big muscle group like the chest. Since the biceps are actively involved in all back exercises it does make sense to work biceps after back. I like to include forearms with this workout but

Best Workouts To Get Bigger Legs in Just 30 Days

If you know me, you know that I’m the opposite of “chicken legs”.  While part of it may be genetics, I want to tell you something:  I know what makes legs grow. First of all, I’m going to tell you my theory as to why some people genetically have chicken legs while some people have big legs (I’m talking muscle, not fat), then I’ll go into detail of the best things that I’ve found to make your legs grow. For maximum growth of the leg, the main exercise should be the full back squat. No other elevator even comes to end with the activation of the muscle fiber created by squatting. Squatting also increases the amount of growth hormone that the body releases. An increase in growth hormone will not only increase the size of the legs, but you will have more whole body hypertrophy as well. All the back squats touch all the muscles of the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the buttocks which is why they are the king of all exercises. However, squatting for the whole year could put too much pressure

Strength Training Tips for Beginners

Strength training can be intimidating to a fitness newbie, especially if you've never operated one of those machines with the pulleys and levers, or you don't want to go toe-to-toe with that tan, grunting guy. However, strength training is a crucial part of getting fit that just can't be ignored. Cardio alone doesn't cut it. I repeat: cardio alone does not cut it. Now I'm not saying you should be able to bench press like Arnold, but even a few days of light strength training each week can do wonders for your health—and not to mention, your physique. Not only does resistance training help build muscle strength, it increases your body's resting metabolic rate, causing it to burn more calories throughout the day. (Yes, please!) It also reduces blood pressure, decreases your osteoporosis risk, and improves your balance. If you're a strength-training beginner, these seven tips will get you going in no time. Do a Cardio Warm Up – It's important to get your

10 to 15 Minutes to Set Your Abdominal

Long gone are the days of spending a full hour training your abs. To maximize time and efficiency, you only need 10 to 15 minutes to set your abdominal muscles on fire and get an intense burn that lasts. Rather than doing three sets of one exercise and moving on to three sets of another exercise, plan your ab workouts like you would a total-body circuit. Pick a different focus with each exercise and try to move from exercise to exercise with as little rest in between as possible. Equipment Required: Ball, Exercise Mat (Optional)   10 minute workout 1 minute stretch at the end Exercises: 10 rope climbs high 10 rope climbs diagonal each side 10 knees to side crunches each side 10 pelvic tilted crunches 30 sec forearm planks inch walks (back, forward) 10 T-shape dorsal raises 10 Knee to inside and outside Elbow Plank Repeat entire set twice

Proven Health Benefits of Avocado

The avocado is a rather unique type of fruit. Most fruit consists primarily of carbohydrate, while avocado is high in healthy fats. Numerous studies show that it has powerful beneficial effects on health. Here are 4 health benefits of avocado, that are supported by scientific research. 1. Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious 2. They Contain More Potassium Than Bananas 3. The Fat in Them Can Help You Absorb Nutrients From Plant Foods 4. Avocados Are Loaded With Fiber Avocado calories At around 160 calories per 100 grams, this pear-shaped fruit of the avocado tree with its dark green skin has a medium-high quantity of energy as compared to several other fruits. And the fairly high number of calories provided by the avocado comes from fats. Unfortunately, then, due to the diet industry's answer to weight problems of arcane low-calorie, low-fat foods, many people will consequently view negatively this wonderful fruit along with its great nutritional value, and fail to capitalize on the

5 Cable Exercises to Build Boulder Shoulders

Cable hammer curls rope attachment cable face pulls shoulders weigh of life scale manual bodybuilding workout routine for intermediate reviews the pcc090x cable cable seated shoulder press. Shoulder Workout With Cable Exercises  1.Lateral cable raise    Preparation With low pulleys to each side, grasp left stirrup with right hand and right stirrup with left hand. Stand upright. Execution With elbows slightly bent, raise arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and repeat. 2.Cable One Arm Front Raise Preparation Grasp stirrup attachment. Stand away from pulley slightly with arm back somewhat at side and elbow straight or slightly bent. Execution Raise stirrup forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal. Lower and repeat. Repeat with opposite arm. 3. Front cable raise Step 1: Choose a weight on the low pulley machine and grab the single hand cable attachment with your left hand. Step 2: Turn away from the pulley and hold your arm straight dow

How To Lose Bodyfat ?

If you’re looking for ways to get back in shape (or get in shape, period), you’re not alone. After all, it’s prime resolution-making (and breaking!) season, which means most of us have some self-improvement goals, and getting healthier and fitter is always a good one. Instead of being laser-focused on shedding pounds, which can result in tunnel vision and frustration, there are some easy ways you can tone and tighten—and melt fat—without agonizing.   You will also have to perform weight training to help you build muscle and burn bodyfat. If you are new to weight training here is a good workout routine that you can follow. If you are already weight training you can continue to do your normal workout routine. Workout 1:  Bench press 3 sets of 10 reps (for the chest)  Pull downs 3 sets of 10 reps (for the back)  Military press 3 sets of 10 reps (for the shoulders)  Crunches 3 sets of 25-50 reps (for the abdominals)  Workout 2:  Squats 3 sets of 10 reps (for the quadriceps)

Killer Shoulder Press Exercise Variation

Repetitive overhead pressing with a standard barbell can not only limit progress and increase likelihood of injury — it's also incredibly boring. In order to side-steps these weight training obstacles (and just to have more fun in your programming). Press the barbell so that it’s a couple inches over your head and then lower the barbell behind your head. Then press the barbell back up so that the bar is a couple inches over your head and bring the bar back to the front. This would constitute one rep. I recommend that you start off using just the empty barbell and work up to doing 100 total reps. (i.e. 10 sets of 10 reps, 5 sets of 20 reps, 4 sets of 25 reps, etc.) Just do as many sets as it takes to compete 100 total reps. Now this is quite challenging, even when just using the empty barbell. Most people don’t have muscular endurance and work capacity to perform 100 total reps. So if you can’t perform 100 total reps at first that’s ok, just work within your means and strive to get

Egg White Protein Vs Whey Protein: Which is Best?

Egg whites and whey protein are two of the most beneficial sources of protein when it comes to building and maintaining lean muscle. Both are complete sources of protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are critical to cell and tissue health and the only way to get them is through your diet. Check with your doctor before trying whey protein supplements. Egg Whites The advantage egg whites offer over whole eggs and whey protein is that it’s a fat-free protein source. It does contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as riboflavin, niacin, B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Each raw egg white from a large egg contains about 17 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database. Most importantly, each egg white contains about half the protein of a whole egg, which equates to 3.6 g of high-quality protein in a large egg. Whey Protein Whey is the liquid part of milk protein derived during the c

How to Build Big Shoulders Fast ?

You could have amazing biceps and chest muscle development, but if your shoulders are underdeveloped you’re going to look small and weak. Large, well developed shoulders really standout and command instant respect. The shoulders are important for that broad, strong, well balanced look and make up a big part of your overall physique. They are one of the only muscle groups that are highly visible from the front, side and rear of the body.  The Workouts 1- Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 sets, 6,6,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)  2-Upright Barbell Row 3 sets, 8,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)  3-Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 3 sets, 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)  4-Side Lateral Raise 3 sets, 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)  5-Standing Front Barbell Raise Over Head 3 sets, 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)  6-Arnold press 4 sets, 6,6,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)