
Affichage des articles du mai, 2019

Best Chest Pumping Workout

This high-intensity chest workout is loaded with supersets that are designed to help you BUST through plateaus and pack on some extra SIZE! The focus of this workout is high volume, light weight and short rest periods that will totally OBLITERATE your pecs! The weight may be light but you should expect a MASSIVE pump from the combination of supersets.... and - yep, you guessed it - it will leave your chest sore for DAYS! If you're brave enough and are looking for a SICK pump, we recommend consuming the one and only MTS SWOLE Stack pre-workout... just be prepared for the skin splitting pumps to come! Let's DO THIS! Here is a sample chest workout where this exercise comes into play:     Bench press;     Incline bench press;     Dips;     Pec deck flyes - 21's Pec deck 21's are simply a way of splitting up one set into “mini” sets. Simply put, you perform partial reps of 7 at three different areas of the movement with moderate weight. This exercise, if done properly will g

Get Shredded For Summer Using These 5 Tips

So you want to get shredded for summer? I don’t blame you, it is a great feeling walking shredded on the beach with girls miring your physique and guys wishing they had your physique. The time to start cutting and getting shredded is now. The more time you have the more successful your journey to get shredded will be. There seems to be a lot of information to get ripped, cut and shredded on the web and most of the times these articles you read are complicated and more geared towards pro bodybuilders on steroids,  but in this article we are going to keep it dead simple. Any guy can follow these tips to get shredded and actually accomplish it. I am going to be honest the reason why most guys are not accomplishing getting shredded is that it is too hard. It is hard to stick to your diet, do your cardio and training for a long period of time. If you follow these tips below on how to get shredded I guarantee you will accomplish it. You will have to follow these tips and we are giving this i

3 Month Muscle Transformation Workout Plan: Beginners - bodybuilding110

Back in the day you had rippling abs, vascular arms and a barrel-like chest. Or it might have been the athletic shape and sexy curves that brought you those second glances. Either way, we’re here to get that back for you. In just 3 months you’ll have dropped a jean size, ditched the excess weight and built your confidence higher than you ever though imaginable. If larger muscles or an athletic physique is what you’re after; you’re in the right place. Whether it’s to improve your appearance and ramp up performance. If it’s to boost muscle mass, fitness or simply just to be confident in your beach clothes… Truth No. 1: Muscles Grow With Big Lifts In The 8 to 12 Rep Range Some people like to take a high-volume approach to muscle growth, insisting that challenging, high-rep sets flush the muscles with blood and trigger new growth. Other lifters are monogamous to big-weight lifts, clinging to the fact that to-the-brink sets will build the most muscle, even with very few reps. The mid

How To Get Big Arms – My 6 Tips

Are you unsatisfied with your arms? Are they weak, flabby, or scrawny? Do you want big, lean arms and do you want them now? While it's impossible to achieve any sort of muscle growth instantaneously, with hard work and smart exercise strategies, you can start seeing noticeable results in as little as a few weeks to a month. Tip 1 – Train In All Rep Ranges People often ask "Should I do low, medium, or high reps?" when they should really be asking " When should I do low, medium, and high reps?" You see, a bodybuilder who wants bigger arms needs to stimulate those bi's and tri's with a variety of stimuli in order to maximize growth from various components of the muscle tissue itself. An athlete like a weight-class bound fighter should focus primarily on doing low rep stuff with a high repetition speed to maximize power. A bodybuilder should do that and do sets that maximize time under tension to maximize cross sectional area of the muscle. As a general rule

The Push/Pull/Legs Routine for Best Muscle Gains

Mass-Building Basics Push, pull and legs is a very simple, yet effective training split for anyone, ranging from those picking up their first barbell to hardened gym veterans. Push workouts include chest, shoulders and triceps. Pull workouts take care of back and biceps. While leg workouts cover quads, hamstrings and calves. The reason it works so well is that it places more emphasis on multi-joint compound exercises than on isolation-based exercises. Don’t expect set after set of pec deck and preacher curls in this program. The main reason for the majority of these workouts being comprised of compound exercises is exercises like barbell bench press, squats and deadlifts offer the most ‘bang for your buck’. They involve multiple muscle groups and allow the most room for progression of reps and weight. This means more growth for you. Putting It All Together The basic premise of any push, pull and legs programme will always be similar, but there will be subtle differences for those ju

Best Isometric Shoulder Exercises For Strengthening the Shoulders

For a layman, isometric exercises might sound like it is something extremely difficult and advanced. Well, let me break it down for you. Basically, if the position of the joint involved does not change and the engaged muscle movement also remains minimum during the exercise, then it can be termed as an isometric exercise. An isometric exercise is done to enhance strength and is an important constituent of any strength-training program.  However, there are some things one must remember before they dive into a full-fledged isometric routine: a) They are very limited when it comes to the target region. Thus, doing just one isometric exercise is not suitable. You must incorporate different exercises to target different parts of the same region. b) In case you wish to increase your speed, this is not really for you as these exercises are performed in one specific position. It enhances your strength, not your speed. c) Isometric exercises can be seen as beneficial for certain health conditi

4 Quick Tips To Get HUGE Biceps

It’s one thing to have big biceps but it’s another to completely master them. Hard work will always be key but there are some tricks of the trade to help further push your biceps to brand new levels of insane size.  By making these recommendations who shows off four quick tips to help take that hard work up a notch so you can see even further improved gains. Check it out above! Tip #1 Give Arms Their Own Day Give arms their own training day. You heard me, their OWN day. This is the single most important arm training tip. Nothing will help you get big arms faster then training biceps, triceps and forearms together on their own day. The evidence from this approach is so overwhelming it deserves a little explanation. There are many people who believe that they will be able to grow their biceps by simply adding them into the workout AFTER training their back and/or triceps. This is simply not the case. It is a FACT that the body parts trained first will always progress faster than those

Target And Tone Your Entire Arms With These 5 Easy Exercises

Tank top season is just around the corner! And if you’re looking to showcase sleek, toned arms on the beach this summer, you've come to the right place. We're sharing our favorite workout for sexy shoulders and beautiful biceps! 1. Arnolds Take two 5 to 10 pound dumbbells and hang them at your sides. Soften up your knees and engage your core. Curl the dumbbells up to shoulder height, turn them out and lift them all the way up over your head for an overhead press. Bring them back down to your starting position with controlled movement. This move engages your biceps, shoulders, and triceps. Do three sets of 15 reps each. 2. Bent Over Reverse Fly: How to: This move engages your rear delts, the muscles at the backs of your shoulders. Bend your knees a little bit, and move the dumbbells outward in a flying motion until your arms form a straight line across. It’s very important that your palms are facing your body and not each other. Bring the dumbbells back down and repeat this

Doing Cardio While Building Muscle

If you asked me a few years ago what I thought about doing cardio when muscle building, I’d have quoted the following: ‘Never run when you can walk. Never walk when you can stand. Never stand when you can sit. Never sit when you can lay down. Never lay down when you can sleep’. While I still agree with this to an extent, the quote is better off reserved to only those who can effortlessly stay lean year round and struggle to gain any weight. So without further adieu, here’s the real deal on doing cardio while trying to gain size and strength… If you are a beginner who also happens to be a ripped ectomorph who has to fight for every ounce he gains (e.g. a classic hardgainer), I suggest that you lay off cardio almost entirely for at least 8-12 weeks. Get your training and diet down and pack on some size. In that time you should be able to gain at least 15lbs of muscle if not 20+. After you have done that you can add in some cardio. I would start with three weekly sessions of twenty min

Sample Meal Plans

The following meal plans are based on calorie levels and food group recommendations published by the USDA.Note that the meal plans listed below are written for men who are at a healthy weight and participate in physical activity for 30 - 60 minutes. If you are physically active for less than 30 minutes per day, a lower calorie meal plan may be needed to maintain your current weight. If you participate in more than 60 minutes of physical activity per day, you may need to follow a higher calorie meal plan to maintain your current weight.  Maximum Fat Burning / Lean Sparing Diets   Sample Maximum Fat Burning/Lean Sparing Diet-Male Meal #1 5 oz. lean beef or Turkey 6 egg whites, 2 yolks (if you prefer not to bother with the eggs you may substitute 1 scoop MRP and 1 whole egg blended in 6 to 8 oz water) 1/2 grapefruit Meal #2 2 scoops MRP, 12 to 18 oz. water (optional you may add 3 to 4 strawberries. I like the frozen ones that you get in a bag)  Meal #3 8 ounces chicken (weighed pr

Get the Most Out of your Bench

The Bench Press is often at the top of many people’s list when working out. People often associate it with being strong, and that makes a whole lot of sense. Because to lift a lot of weight on the bench … you have to be pretty strong! The bare bar alone, before weight plates are added, weighs 45 pounds. With that being said, one of the most common questions associated with physical fitness is “how much do you bench?” If you love to bench, and would like to lift more than you already can … consider taking us up on these suggestions. They’re sure to get your big numbers up! Increase grip strength: The harder you squeeze the bar during your press, the more muscles you will use. To increase your grip strength, do various grip exercises holding dumbbells which dangle towards the ground, this will force you  a person to use your grip keep them up. Increase tricep strength: Triceps are just as important as your pectorals when bench pressing. The triceps function to extend the arms which

A Stronger Grip for a Stronger Body

In this day and age, we all know (or should know) how important it is to maintain a healthy level of physical fitness in order to live a good quality life, maintain our cardiovascular system, and keep our bodies strong in order to thrive into our later years. For many of us, this means getting into the gym in order to do resistance training — one of the best forms of exercise that is available to us. For those looking to get back into the gym in order to maximize your health, strength, and vigor, one thing to take into consideration that is often forgotten or completely ignored is grip strength. “Grip strength? What does that have to do with anything?” you might ask. It may not make sense to you right off the bat to take time to train the hands and lower arms while at the gym. I know when I first learned about it, it seemed like a complete waste of time to spend valuable training time on less than 5% of your body, but the truth of the matter is having a strong grip pays many dividends

Simple Arm Workout To Turn "Pistol Arms" Into Cannons

So I was going several times a week to the gym with a good friend of mine. We’d spot each other when needed, but mostly did our own separate workouts. He focused on building his arms. At the time, all I cared was working on my bench game. But after about a year, his arms grew like weeds. I know him well, and knew he wasn’t juicing… so naturally, I got curious and asked him what he did. He told me to jump in and try his workout with him… it was simple, but MAN! I’ve never gotten as good of a pump on any other arm workout. So here’s the exact workout. You can add this into your regular routine once a week to add size to your arms. The workout starts off with a giant set: Supinating DB Bicep Curls x 10 reps Tricep Pressdowns x 10 reps Overhead Rope Extensions x 10 reps Tricep Pressdowns x 10 reps Repeat the giant set above 4 sets. No rest in between exercises. Only take 20-30 seconds MAX rest in between each giant set. Next up, soon as you catch your breathe, jump right into this supers

A Best Muscle Building Program for Huge Legs

If you have been around the Iron Game for a while, there is one name that comes instantly to mind when people discuss leg training. That name is Tom Platz. �The Golden Eagle� is widely regarded as having the most massively muscular legs in the history of bodybuilding. His thighs measured a whopping 35 inches and were shredded to the bone. Tom�s muscle building program that created those unforgettable wheels revolved around one exercise and one exercise only; the barbell squat. If you want to add some serious mass to your legs you had better familiarize yourself with this exercise in a hurry.  The #1 Exercise to Build Massive Legs Tom’s muscle building program that created those unforgettable wheels revolved around one exercise and one exercise only; the barbell squat. If you want to add some serious mass to your legs you had better familiarize yourself with this exercise in a hurry. Since the quads typically have a very wide variance of muscle fiber types you can use a great ran

Top 6 Tips To Get Ripped

Fed up of spending hours in the gym, working hard and not getting the results you want? Then follow these simple tips and workouts and transform your self into an absolute beast. We all want that summer body, and we all want to be the one the other lads envy in the gym. Getting a lean, defined six-pack is actually one of the most difficult things to achieve when you don't know what you're doing. But fear not if you follow these 6 simple steps and get yourself shredded all year round.   Cut Out Alcohol Yeah, you’ve probably heard this one before. “But alcohol is a social norm,” right? No, the truth is you do not need poison to have a good time. You can sip on a water with lime and still enjoy the company you’re with and enjoy a nice evening. Alcohol is loaded with empty calories and sugar. Generally speaking, the consumption of alcohol usually leads to snacking and since your body is already working on breaking down those calories, the food you eat will turn straight into