6 reasons to eat egg whites

Boiled egg whites may be a plain food, but they offer many benefits to your diet. While egg yolks contain lutein, vitamin A and vitamin B-12, they also contain fat, cholesterol and calories. Boiled egg whites are a convenient and low-calorie way to add egg protein to your diet, without overloading your calorie or fat consumption.

1. No fat and low calories

If you’re cutting during summer or can’t fit a lot of fat into your macros, one egg white contains 52 calories per 100 grams, whereas the yolk adds 322 calories. All the fat of an egg is in the yolk too, some of which is good fat, but it also contains 2g of saturated fat per yolk, about eight per cent of the daily recommended intake.

2. High Protein

Egg whites are one of the top sources of protein, ranking up there with lean meat, poultry and fish. More than half of a full egg’s 6 g of protein, in fact, comes from the white. A single egg white offers 4 g of protein without the yolk’s fat and other detriments. You’ll get no fat, in fact, unless you fry up the egg in greasy oil or butter. Opting for low-fat protein sources as a regular part of your diet can also reduce your risk of heart disease.

3. Low Calorie

Egg white is a boon for people who want to reduce weight without intake of excess calories
According to USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory, one large egg provides you with 17 calories a compared to whole eggs which provides 72 calories. So, if you eat egg whites from four eggs, they will provide you 68 with calories.

4. Low in Fat

Though, fat is needed by the body, but consuming excess fats can lead to risk of high cholesterol and thus, heart diseases
According to USDA, egg whites are devoid off fat, including saturated fats which is found in the whole egg
Full fat dairy products and high fat meats that are high protein foods, contains high amounts of saturated fats. Thus, if you replace these high protein foods with egg white protein, you can reduce the risk of heart diseases significantly.

 5. No cholesterol

Although in the past the hazards of eating whole eggs were greatly exaggerated, it’s true that there is zero cholesterol in egg whites. According to eggs.org.au, 51 per cent of Australian adults have high cholesterol and even though dietary cholesterol of eggs has only a small effect on blood LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol), the Heart Foundation recommends eating just one egg a day. This might not seem like a big deal for some, but diabetics and people with cardiovascular problems need to closely monitor their cholesterol intake and take this into account.

6. Other

Egg white also give you a few other benefits. An egg white has absolutely no fat, compared to the yolk’s 5 g of fat, 2 g of which are saturated fat. The amount of saturated fat in the yolk fulfills about 8 percent of your daily recommended dose. A single egg white also offers 1.3 mcg of folate, 6.6 mcg of selenium, 2.3 mg of calcium, 3.6 mg of magnesium, and 4.9 mg of phosphorus.


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